(Day 17 of 100) Flexbox 101
Topics Covered: display:flex;, flex-grow, flex-shrink, align item vs justify-content, Flex
What I learned:
- Flexbox documentation here is very helpful
- display: flex; This defines a flex container and all its elements inside the container will want to be ordered in a row (as a default)

3. flex-grow (in order to use this, flex-grow needs to be wrapped around a flex container)

4. Flex-shrink: Flex shrink is reverse of flex grow, only difference is that flex-shrink start to take an effect as the browser gets smaller
5. Flex-wrap: By default, flex container likes stays in one line because its default setting is at Flex-wrap: nowrap; flex-wrap can essentially, make your web app responsive and can replace css media.

6. Align items vs justify-content: Align item aligns the content along the cross axis and justify-content aligns the content along the main axis.

7. Flex: Flex property is combination of grow, shrink, flex-basis altogether. Below example shows how flex concept plays. flex-basis defines the default size of an element before the free space is distributed.
Current technology stack in mind: React+Redux+Flexbox+GraphQL+Python+Django+PostgreSQL
Total time spent on the challenge: 3.5 hours
Actual Time focused on the challenge: 2.5hours
What I did:
- Did css excercises from freecodecamp.org
- watched some flexbox tutorial on youtube
Plan for next day:
- Start making ERP app (front end only)