(Day 4 of 100)Changing Technology Stack
What I did:
Today was the worst day in terms of the progression on the app making. I spent all my day trying to learn React + Redux + Flexbox as replacements for Vue + Vuex + Vuetify as recommended by my mentor.
- Watched youtube videos all day on React + Redux by the net ninja on youtube
- Read flexbox documentation
- Created React app using npx create-react-app app-name
What I learned:
- Learned that Facebook does not use css pre-processor mainly due to performance issues. Other mentionable disadvantages on using css pre-processor is that its compilation slows down the development and debugging is harder. So I will stick with plain css for now.
- I think using flexbox will make my life easier than using Vuetify since it gives more control on css. Trade off would be increased development time due to lack of out-of-the-box components, which Vuetify offers. However, considering that it was not too straight forward on how to change simple thing as font on Vuetify, I think I will be happier with a plain built-in flexbox. We shall see.
Total time spent on the challenge: 6 hours
Actual Time focused on the challenge: 2.5 hours
Plan for the next day:
- continue learning React, Redux and Flexbox
- rebuild the app up to where I left off using React, Redux and Flexbox
- Learn git hub and commit my project
I will keep you updated. Thanks for reading!