(Day 76 of 100) GraphQL & Graphene Cheatsheet
1. Helpful Resources
- v2.0 Graphene syntax update
- GraphQL Documentation
- Graphene Dcoumentation
- Star Wars GraphQL Query API
- Upvote Baby Name GraphQL Query & Mutation API
2. CRUD (Crete, Read, Update and Delete) equivalents in GraphQL
- Query is euqivalent to R
- Mutation is equivalent to CUD
3. CamelCase vs snake_case
4. Query (Read data)

5. Mutation (Create, Update and Delete data)

6. Dynamic Variables (for both mutation and query)
7. Info (and context)
8. Self
9. Graphiql documentation to search all possible queries & mutation

10. GraphiQL: mutation in action (example sandbox)

11. Graphene Example Walkthrough (w/ Q search and get_user_model)
12. Insomnia
Graphiql does not support passing values through http headers ie)jwt token. But Insomnia does:
In Insomnia, create new request -> Choose GraphQL Query->provide endpoint (ie: http://localhost:8000/graphql/) ->go to header and configure as shown below to pass header (ie jwt)