(Day 89 of 100) Final Project -Part 1
Unfortunately, there won’t be enough time to fit my originally planned ERP project in this 100 day challenge. So as a replacement, I decided to build a simpler and small-scaled application from front to back, applying all my knowledge that I’ve acquired so far through the challenge.
The application will let users login and logout and create, read, update and delete company related information, such as basic info, accounting info, address, services provided, employee contacts, etc.
The main objective in building this app is to fill the gaps and holes in my knowledge and to solidify my understanding on the technology stack, namely, React Hooks, CSS with BEM, Redux, Apollo, GraphQL, Django, and PostgreSQL.
So, here is the plan:
- Part 1: Project Plan
- Part 2: UX/UI design
- Part 3: Data structure and ER diagram
- Part 4: back-end
- Part 5: front-end
- Part 6: app deployment
- Part 7: Revisit for the unit test implementation
So I will see you in part 2! I better get to work quickly.